While staying with my parents to help out I have found some medical practice things that frustrate me. I'm going to try to respect my mom's privacy and stay about from specifics pertaining to her situation....think of this more of an overall frustration(s) with Mainstream thinking.
Sam is 99.9% breastfed. Yes, I know he's nearly 11 months old but he seems to be doing just fine without "solid" food. I'm offended by the baby food companies that try to tell me otherwise. I'm equally offended by the formula companies that send samples of formula for "the next step." Cow's milk wouldn't be lacking if they quit mistreating animals and treated the milk gently. Let the cows out into the pasture to feed freely on the nice green grasses and stop treating cows like machinery. Unsafe, unclean conditions are what makes for unsafe meats and dairy products. Mistreating the milk is just their answer to covering their butts and saving money. Pasteurizing and homogenizing ruins the milk...but formula made with science and chemicals is certainly not the answer. Human milk is best, then unfooled-around-with milk from a farm that you trust would be next. We need to stop mistreating our animals and children.
I am grateful for the parade of volunteers, nurses and lab techs that come through our door. However I feel that instead of sending nurses to take vitals 2-3 times a week, healing would be much better if they sent Whole Food chefs to make nutrient dense mini-meals. Have them come in a couple of times a week, make up easy meals with lots of good foods and toss them in the fridge or freezer. Sick people don't seem to be motivated to feed themselves and those taking care of them get so busy it's hard to make really good food. Please send us a chef that knows about healing foods!
Also I am frustrated with the way Mainstream Medicine approaches care. They seem quick to medicate the symptoms and not deal with the deeper problems. If there is sickness, it's because something in the body is out of balance. If there is infection it's because something allowed the bad bacteria to defeat the good ones. Now, with a life threatening, out of control infection I'm sure some anti-biotics is the first thing to do...but this does not deal with the original problem. You have now killed of all the bacteria, friendly and otherwise. When are doctors going to prescribe pro-biotics to help restore balance? When are they going to analyze their patients diet to see that their dependency on fast carbs and denatured foods has made their body the perfect place for chronic disease and infection? If you are sick, even just a little there is a reason and it isn't always as obvious as taking something over the counter for your runny nose. Your body is talking to you, listen.
I'm frustrated also by the FDA. I believe there are many very helpful remedies for acute and chronic disease out there that the FDA doesn't approve because of pressure from the drug industry. I've heard that the extract of mistletoe is perfect for cancer patients...but to get this therapy you have to either go to Europe or search for a USA doctor who will get it for you...and even then I think it would be a challenge. Mistletoe is said to fight the cancer cells (without damaging the rest of the body, a claim that Chemo can't make) and build up the immune system. Sounds like a good option to me.
We need to take care of the whole person. We need to realize that, just like unleaded cars dying on leaded fuel we need to take care and pay attention to what we put in and near our bodies. The government isn't going to help with this...they are driven by money. The food and drug industries are running things right now and this needs to be changed. I am outraged by the new commercials on TV that are trying to say that high fructose corn syrup is nutritionally the same as sugar and okay in moderation. 1. I do not believe it is the same but much, much worse for you and 2. there is no such thing as moderation when HFCS is the main ingredient in almost all packaged foods, sweet or otherwise. Have you noticed that most soda (pop for those back in WI) contains no sugar anymore and just HFCS? These lies are paid for by the corn refiners industry.
Okay, now that I have these thoughts out on my head, perhaps I'll rest tonight. They have been bouncing around up there long enough. Time to get my Weston A Price Foundation books out and do some more reading on nutritionally dense eating. "Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats" by Sally Fallon and "The Fourfold Path to Healing: Working with the Laws of Nutrition, Therapeutics, Movement and Meditation in the Art of Medicine" by Thomas S. Cowan are my reads these days. Both available at Amazon.com for much less than their list price. Happy reading! :)
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008

It's been weeks since I've posted last...hmmm let me think of some good reasons why. (Pictured left if my new little 2G MP3 player)
I had been looking forward to September thinking things would slow down and we could catch up with life...but that doesn't seem to be the case. Morgan has meetings now and then, Awana on Wednesday night, I go to Curves 2-3 times a week, Pilates twice a week, Irish Dance on Wednesday nights, and we have a Financial class at church on Thursday nights. Once a month I have Weston A. Price Foundation, La leache league, Food sensitivity support group, and there seems like there are others that I'm forgetting. Sometimes I throw in a Pampered Chef party for fun. I'm looking for hosts if that is something you could help me out with. :)
In addition to this, if you haven't heard my momma has been in and out of the hospital, currently in and that has been on my mind a lot. We are praying for healing and for her to be on the mend soon.
Our contract to sell our house with Shorewest has expired and we are moving on to a different builder and realtor. They are doing a market analysis (or lack there of) and we will know more tomorrow whether or not they would buy our house so that we can get into one of their houses. We'll have to see how the finances pan out. I have been diligently sending in my Publisher's clearing house entries in hopes of winning the 5K a week for life. That would certainly help with process! With the new builder we will also need to sell the lot we bought as the new builder only builds on his lots.
I have been grumpy, dog tired and think that the stress of my mom's condition is wearing on me. I have continued exercising hoping that this will help me through. Usually I would turn to junk food to give me a boost (and drop) but even our wholesome food doesn't seem to get me going. I need to find another way of getting energy instead of grabbing a Snickers, but so far all the seems to work is exercise...sometimes talking with Sam helps because he is usually all smiles, but poor Benjamin just wears me out.
Speaking of Sam, it seems it's time for a game of "chew mama's chin" so that's all for today!
I had been looking forward to September thinking things would slow down and we could catch up with life...but that doesn't seem to be the case. Morgan has meetings now and then, Awana on Wednesday night, I go to Curves 2-3 times a week, Pilates twice a week, Irish Dance on Wednesday nights, and we have a Financial class at church on Thursday nights. Once a month I have Weston A. Price Foundation, La leache league, Food sensitivity support group, and there seems like there are others that I'm forgetting. Sometimes I throw in a Pampered Chef party for fun. I'm looking for hosts if that is something you could help me out with. :)
In addition to this, if you haven't heard my momma has been in and out of the hospital, currently in and that has been on my mind a lot. We are praying for healing and for her to be on the mend soon.
Our contract to sell our house with Shorewest has expired and we are moving on to a different builder and realtor. They are doing a market analysis (or lack there of) and we will know more tomorrow whether or not they would buy our house so that we can get into one of their houses. We'll have to see how the finances pan out. I have been diligently sending in my Publisher's clearing house entries in hopes of winning the 5K a week for life. That would certainly help with process! With the new builder we will also need to sell the lot we bought as the new builder only builds on his lots.
I have been grumpy, dog tired and think that the stress of my mom's condition is wearing on me. I have continued exercising hoping that this will help me through. Usually I would turn to junk food to give me a boost (and drop) but even our wholesome food doesn't seem to get me going. I need to find another way of getting energy instead of grabbing a Snickers, but so far all the seems to work is exercise...sometimes talking with Sam helps because he is usually all smiles, but poor Benjamin just wears me out.
Speaking of Sam, it seems it's time for a game of "chew mama's chin" so that's all for today!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Clip from the Julie Andrews concert!
I can't figure out how to Embed it... There are more on YouTube but none from the actual concert that I went to. I went to Louisville but she did concerts in Philly, Atlanta and Hollywood.
I can't figure out how to Embed it... There are more on YouTube but none from the actual concert that I went to. I went to Louisville but she did concerts in Philly, Atlanta and Hollywood.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Sam Sam
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Golden arches gone rainbow?
Recent news has gotten my dander up. As a disclaimer, I have nothing against these alternate lifestyles. I don't think it's the best, and certainly outside of God's design but I've have also known some very kind gay men back in my college days that treated women much better then some of the straight fellows out there.
Some may know that we have been boycotting McDonald's since they paid $20,000 to become a member of the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and have a seat on the board of directors. There are a whole bunch of issues that McDonald's has been involved in and I think it's inappropriate for a business to get that involved. Although, some would say that remaining neutral is hate against the Gay and Lesbians...
Anyway...There was an annual parade in San Francisco demonstrating Gay and Lesbian pride which AFA say McDonald's help sponsor. The pictures from the parade included full frontal nudity. Men walking down the street in nothing but rainbow paint. Men and women in leather studded get-up that covered nothing. I could go on....but I think you get the idea. By the way, there were children at the parade who saw all this.
They (They, being those within their community who shout the loudest) say they want equal rights...but if the straight community was to have a similar display they would have been arrested for indecent exposure AND hate crimes. They want to be above the law and have proven that they can get away with it.
Now the part that really gets me is compare this to the harassment that a breastfeeding mother gets. Here she is doing something that is natural, and within God's perfect plan and that is considered indecent exposure but many, many people. I'm not talking about someone breastfeeding a 5 year old...that I would admit is difficult to watch.
*Steps off her soap box and nurses her hungry baby*
Some may know that we have been boycotting McDonald's since they paid $20,000 to become a member of the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and have a seat on the board of directors. There are a whole bunch of issues that McDonald's has been involved in and I think it's inappropriate for a business to get that involved. Although, some would say that remaining neutral is hate against the Gay and Lesbians...
Anyway...There was an annual parade in San Francisco demonstrating Gay and Lesbian pride which AFA say McDonald's help sponsor. The pictures from the parade included full frontal nudity. Men walking down the street in nothing but rainbow paint. Men and women in leather studded get-up that covered nothing. I could go on....but I think you get the idea. By the way, there were children at the parade who saw all this.
They (They, being those within their community who shout the loudest) say they want equal rights...but if the straight community was to have a similar display they would have been arrested for indecent exposure AND hate crimes. They want to be above the law and have proven that they can get away with it.
Now the part that really gets me is compare this to the harassment that a breastfeeding mother gets. Here she is doing something that is natural, and within God's perfect plan and that is considered indecent exposure but many, many people. I'm not talking about someone breastfeeding a 5 year old...that I would admit is difficult to watch.
*Steps off her soap box and nurses her hungry baby*
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Since I met Julie
Ok, so it's been a while since I blogged on here. Kirstie has said I should post at least once a week so I'll try to do better. Let's see.
I have come down from the high of meeting Ms. Andrews. Although, I have been quietly contemplating when I could meet her again. Perhaps a book signing. My dream would be to have a proper English tea with her. I've been told that's not a crazy dream...I just wish I knew how to make that come about.
It looks like we will be changing Realtors and builders for our new house. We found another builder who offers a lovely deal on houses very close to where most of our friends live. I'm excited about this but am unsure about how we will get our house sold to make this happen. If you are the praying type, we could use a buyer who loves our house and wants to pay top dollar. Perhaps a new doctor at the hospital who wants to live close and enjoys fixing up beautiful Victorians. A girl can dream. I've considered writing out detailed diagrams and instructions on how to take care of my flower beds. I feel a bit like a parent leaving their children in an orphanage.
I've been to the naturpathic clinic and have had testing that indicates I'm very allergic to chicken eggs. Also, moderate to severe sensitivity to gluten, rye, spelt, and whole wheat. So if you add in that we already know I don't tolerate dairy (cow) and any kind of sugars well....I guess you'll find me at the salad bar. :) It would seem that alternative flours, milks and eggs will also be finding their way into our shopping carts soon! All these sensitivities pretty much mean that we will have to avoid nearly all processed foods. Tralala! This will be fun!
On to other matters...we have paid $1600 between the Camry and the Jeep in a week's time to have them repaired. That hurts the pocket book in a hurry. It's time to trade the Jeep in for a scooter and the Camry for something newer me thinks. Morgan wants a mini-van but I'm not ready for a mom bus. When ever we get a "key" in the mail to win a free car, we go and try. It's sad but unless you try..you'll never know if you were the winner. So far no luck.
Well that's the latest. Perhaps I'll come up with something for interesting later...
I have come down from the high of meeting Ms. Andrews. Although, I have been quietly contemplating when I could meet her again. Perhaps a book signing. My dream would be to have a proper English tea with her. I've been told that's not a crazy dream...I just wish I knew how to make that come about.
It looks like we will be changing Realtors and builders for our new house. We found another builder who offers a lovely deal on houses very close to where most of our friends live. I'm excited about this but am unsure about how we will get our house sold to make this happen. If you are the praying type, we could use a buyer who loves our house and wants to pay top dollar. Perhaps a new doctor at the hospital who wants to live close and enjoys fixing up beautiful Victorians. A girl can dream. I've considered writing out detailed diagrams and instructions on how to take care of my flower beds. I feel a bit like a parent leaving their children in an orphanage.
I've been to the naturpathic clinic and have had testing that indicates I'm very allergic to chicken eggs. Also, moderate to severe sensitivity to gluten, rye, spelt, and whole wheat. So if you add in that we already know I don't tolerate dairy (cow) and any kind of sugars well....I guess you'll find me at the salad bar. :) It would seem that alternative flours, milks and eggs will also be finding their way into our shopping carts soon! All these sensitivities pretty much mean that we will have to avoid nearly all processed foods. Tralala! This will be fun!
On to other matters...we have paid $1600 between the Camry and the Jeep in a week's time to have them repaired. That hurts the pocket book in a hurry. It's time to trade the Jeep in for a scooter and the Camry for something newer me thinks. Morgan wants a mini-van but I'm not ready for a mom bus. When ever we get a "key" in the mail to win a free car, we go and try. It's sad but unless you try..you'll never know if you were the winner. So far no luck.
Well that's the latest. Perhaps I'll come up with something for interesting later...
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Dame Julie Andrews!

Yes, that is Morgan and I standing with Julie Andrews, the one and only. This is however the only picture since we were too enthralled with the concert to think of taking pictures during it (without the flash of course.) At the post-concert party, picture taking was only allowed by the photographer...this is her offering.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
An Evening with Julie Andrews!
The concert was fabulous! The first time she walked on stage, dressed in a beautiful silver ball gown the entire audience sprang to their feet, applauded, cheered and made a lot of noise for quite some time. To this she responded "I haven't done anything yet!" The first half was a tribute to Rogers and Hammerstein. SHE SANG! Several times including "Funny Valentine." Most of the time it was in a very, very limited range but she seemed to get into some of the songs and branch out a bit. I loved every second! Lots of misty eyed moments for me.
The second half was an orchestrated play version of one of the books she has co-authored with her daughter entitled "Simeon's Gift." This was lovely as well.
Afterwards wasn't quite what I had hoped for. We (those with VIP tickets) were directed to a room upstairs. There were beverages and cookies available, a few tables and 1/4 of the room was roped off with photography equipment set up. There was a place for us to stand in line. We were asked to fill out cards if we wanted our picture with Ms. Andrews. After a while she arrived (not through the doors but slipped into the roped section) and said "So we're going to take some pictures together? Good." We were herded into line. When we got to the head of the we were put on a spot to wait for the people with Ms. Andrews to get their picture. Next we were told to "go." I know Ms. Andrews spoke twice but I have no recollection what she said because several people we telling us to look at the camera. As soon at the picture was taken we were told to come this way, collect our personal effects and encouraged to leave. I stood next to my beloved Julie Andrews for maybe 15 secs. I didn't get to speak to her, or even look into her eyes and say "It's really you."
So...! The Concert was lovely...and if you are any where near it's next 3 stops in the USA I would encourage you to find your way there. The "Meet and Greet" post concert party...well...I think you get the picture. We were not given to opportunity to Meet or Greet Ms. Andrews, I felt a bit more like cattle then a "VIP" and it was more of a que instead of a party. When we get the pictures (by email) I will be sure to post them.
The second half was an orchestrated play version of one of the books she has co-authored with her daughter entitled "Simeon's Gift." This was lovely as well.
Afterwards wasn't quite what I had hoped for. We (those with VIP tickets) were directed to a room upstairs. There were beverages and cookies available, a few tables and 1/4 of the room was roped off with photography equipment set up. There was a place for us to stand in line. We were asked to fill out cards if we wanted our picture with Ms. Andrews. After a while she arrived (not through the doors but slipped into the roped section) and said "So we're going to take some pictures together? Good." We were herded into line. When we got to the head of the we were put on a spot to wait for the people with Ms. Andrews to get their picture. Next we were told to "go." I know Ms. Andrews spoke twice but I have no recollection what she said because several people we telling us to look at the camera. As soon at the picture was taken we were told to come this way, collect our personal effects and encouraged to leave. I stood next to my beloved Julie Andrews for maybe 15 secs. I didn't get to speak to her, or even look into her eyes and say "It's really you."
So...! The Concert was lovely...and if you are any where near it's next 3 stops in the USA I would encourage you to find your way there. The "Meet and Greet" post concert party...well...I think you get the picture. We were not given to opportunity to Meet or Greet Ms. Andrews, I felt a bit more like cattle then a "VIP" and it was more of a que instead of a party. When we get the pictures (by email) I will be sure to post them.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Kate's folks visited us over the July 4th weekend and we took in a Milwaukee Brewers game. If you've been to a Brewers game you now about the sausage races (Polish Sausage won on the night we were there) and the Chicken Dance. Well sometime in the 5th or 6th inning the Brewers played the Chicken Dance for the 39,000 + in attendance.
Here is Kate's offering . . .
Here is Kate's offering . . .
By the way . . . she did not know I was filming her ;-)
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Christmas in July???
Well almost! It's Tuesday! Why do I like Tuesdays? Because that is the day we get our new weekly dinner menus by email! So today we get to find out what sort of new yummy things we are going to be fixing for dinner!
We have subscribed to Saving Dinner. They have several different "diets" to choose from and for around $30 a year they email you weekly (on TUESDAY!) 6 days of menus complete with shopping lists. This have been great for us because it takes the planning and figuring out and we get a varied diet. If there is a recipe that we don't like, we just make something else we like or pick a recipe from a previous week. We have also bee losing weight, saving money on groceries and enjoying dinner again. The most exciting part is Benjamin is eating what we have been making and quite happy about it. He is always interested to see what we are going to make tonight.
Now this might come as a shock to most of you but I, Kate Shepard, have been known to actually prepare the dinners myself. Yes. It's true. And don't tell anyone...but I've enjoyed it. Morgan takes the kids, sometimes even outside and I just do my thing in the kitchen. I'm going almost domestic!
So, if your tired of planning and would like someone else to do it for a nominale fee...there is a solution. Body Clutter (low carb), heart healthy and regular...one will work for you!
We have subscribed to Saving Dinner. They have several different "diets" to choose from and for around $30 a year they email you weekly (on TUESDAY!) 6 days of menus complete with shopping lists. This have been great for us because it takes the planning and figuring out and we get a varied diet. If there is a recipe that we don't like, we just make something else we like or pick a recipe from a previous week. We have also bee losing weight, saving money on groceries and enjoying dinner again. The most exciting part is Benjamin is eating what we have been making and quite happy about it. He is always interested to see what we are going to make tonight.
Now this might come as a shock to most of you but I, Kate Shepard, have been known to actually prepare the dinners myself. Yes. It's true. And don't tell anyone...but I've enjoyed it. Morgan takes the kids, sometimes even outside and I just do my thing in the kitchen. I'm going almost domestic!
So, if your tired of planning and would like someone else to do it for a nominale fee...there is a solution. Body Clutter (low carb), heart healthy and regular...one will work for you!
Friday, June 27, 2008
confessions of a sugar addict

Wednesday I had little sugar all day. I had my morning medicinal honey and a tiny bit of white Godiva chocolate with lunch...and by tiny I mean I've split the squares into fourths and had 1 of the divided pieces. Then in the evening we all went up to Madison for my Irish Step class. Afterwards Ben asked for ice cream because that is what we did last week. I agreed if we all split a small ice cream...it would be okay. So we went to an shoppe that served up local Wisconsin made full cream, full taste really good ice cream. We shared a small cookie dough between us and I thought it would be okay.....
Not so. Granted Sam woke up for an hour around 3am so I was tired from that, probably. However, I woke up with what I can only describe as a hang over. I could barely get out of bed, was woozy and light headed. I wobbled downstairs, drank some Mona Vie straight from the bottle and a spoonful of natural, no sugar peanut butter. 30 minutes later I was feeling better, enough to get into the shower and not worry about keeling over.
Ben wanted to go for a walk to "see the flood" and I agreed that some exercise might help get the sugar out of my system. We did just that and I have felt much better.
I just finished my third book about the evils of sugar. This last one was Sugar Shock! Chances are it's available at your library...slid on over and check it out. Like right now, before sugar fog makes you forget!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The Flood
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Bought a Dress

I bought a dress at Boston Store yesterday. It wasn't the one I went there to try on...that one cost a lot more and the fabric seemed to be prone to pulling. I found this one on the clearance rack. I have not been able to find the actual dress on the Internet...but I found the same brand and style in a different color. The one pictured is Black/nude and the one I bought is black/lavender...but it looks darker because it is under the black overlay.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
What does one wear to meet Julie Andrews?

For those of you who don't know, (ie you aren't on Facebook or don't pay attention to status) Morgan and I have VIP tickets to meet Julie Andrews after a concert on July 11.
"Julie Andrews hosts a magical evening of musical gifts, old and new. Performed by five guest vocalists with Ms. Andrews narrating, the first half of the program takes audience members on a musical journey illuminating the glorious gifts that Rodgers and Hammerstein gave to the world.
The second half of the evening features a new work, Simeon’s Gift, adapted from Ms. Andrews’ best-selling children’s book, co-authored with her daughter, Emma Walton Hamilton. Bridging the worlds of music, literature and theatre, with a score by Ian Fraser and lyrics by John Bucchino, Simeon’s Gift will be performed by the five vocalists with a full symphony orchestra. Julie Andrews serves as storyteller, weaving the enchanting tale of a 15th century minstrel on a quest to discover his own true gift. A once-in-a-lifetime musical event! "
The second half of the evening features a new work, Simeon’s Gift, adapted from Ms. Andrews’ best-selling children’s book, co-authored with her daughter, Emma Walton Hamilton. Bridging the worlds of music, literature and theatre, with a score by Ian Fraser and lyrics by John Bucchino, Simeon’s Gift will be performed by the five vocalists with a full symphony orchestra. Julie Andrews serves as storyteller, weaving the enchanting tale of a 15th century minstrel on a quest to discover his own true gift. A once-in-a-lifetime musical event! "
So it would seem that I need a dress appropriate for this occasion. I've posted some dresses for your consideration. Please remember, I don't have much time!!! If you have come across a dress that you think I should consider....Please submit it!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Giving Sugar the Boot!

Picture of Benjamin and I working in the white "Memorial" Garden this spring. This was before the bleeding heart took over and the peony had to be moved to saved it.
So some of you may know I've gone on a sugar kick...or rather a lack there of. Before I went to AZ I had requested a book from the library; "Sugar Blues" by William Duffy. While in AZ my addiction to sugar became very real. Our snacks for our road trip were not refined sugary snacks and while up in Fredonia I didn't really have access to refined sugars. I started to feel a little like a drugy in detox. When we went shopping for our return drive back to Pheonix, I picked out all sugary things. I knew I had a problem with sugar...but it is out of control.
Since Sam's birth I have had to give up dairy and chocolate. I have probably been overcompensating with other "foods." When I returned home the book I mentioned was waiting for me. Most of you also know that I am not a "reader"...but I have nearly finished this book in a matter of days and requested similar books from the library. Yesterday and today I have been clearing all products that contain sugar or refined white flour, putting them in boxes and moved them to my basement. We are going sugar free.
I expect this will probably be where I vent while we go sugar free. They say it can take as much as a month for cravings and redrawel to subside. I would like to ask my friends and family to help us with your support. That could mean joining us and becoming sugar free yourself, sharing sugar free recipes and such, or simply not bringing any sugary products around. We will not be using artifical sweetners...only honey or maple syrup if something sweet is needed. I feel that the artifical sweeteners (esp Splenda) are probably worse then the real thing.
So stay tuned while I "Detox." I may be grumpy, sad or any number of things while my body heals from sugar. Feel free to email me or leave comments (you don't have to sign up for Google to leave comments, just select anonomous)! I love hearing what others are thinking.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
House for Sale

We have a beautiful house for sale! Come on down and take a look!
Anyway, perhaps someday we will get is sold but it's not looking too good with GM shutting down it's second shift. 500-600 workers are having to find employment elsewhere.
In other news, Morgan and Josh went in together on a rototiller. Why you may ask? Because it is $80 a day to rent one and tilling is needed about twice a year. Sooo they are out tilling our plot at the community garden so that I can get our veggie garden planted before June 1. We procured a plot there in case by some miracle we sell...we won't lose our veggies with the house. That would be a crisis!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Hunk of grass and weeds

I really thought I had posted on here since mid-March. Some blog monster must have eaten it.
Today we closed on a corner lot...so we are the proud owners of hunk of grass and weeds. 1114 Honeysuckle. Now we just need to get our house sold so we can start the building process. I'm going to drive over there and see if any spring flowers happen to be pre-planted there...a girl can dream.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Nearly 50?
The snow might actually go away since we are expecting several days in the upper 40's. The heaps of snow will be around till May or so...
In other news, we are considering selling the house and building new on the other side of town. SCARY! I am also mourning the potential loss of my beloved plants in my gardens. To mention them all by name.... 300+ tulips, two dozen asiatic lilies, star magnolia, 3 liliacs, a dozen or so day lilies, columbine and foxglove that were started from seeds when we lived in PA. I'm coming around to being OK with leaving the house behind for a new one...but the garden pains me.
Well..Sam is having a rough morning so I'd better see if I can help him be more comfortable. Tata!
In other news, we are considering selling the house and building new on the other side of town. SCARY! I am also mourning the potential loss of my beloved plants in my gardens. To mention them all by name.... 300+ tulips, two dozen asiatic lilies, star magnolia, 3 liliacs, a dozen or so day lilies, columbine and foxglove that were started from seeds when we lived in PA. I'm coming around to being OK with leaving the house behind for a new one...but the garden pains me.
Well..Sam is having a rough morning so I'd better see if I can help him be more comfortable. Tata!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Winter Thaw!
Drumroll please! Today it hit a whopping 40 degrees! Yes, I was as shocked as you are. The 5 foot icicles fell off of the house (before we could get pictures of them) and we (well, Morgan and Ben to be exact) chipped the inches of ice off of the driveway. The biggest deal was it hit 70 in the house downstairs. We actually took our sweatshirts off! However as soon as the sun went down...the temperature started to fall accordingly.And what does tomorrow hold you may ask?? Temperatures falling to the teens and EIGHT inches of snow!Until next time...
Friday, January 4, 2008
USA is Backwards...
So in my quest to be healthier and provide optimal milk for Sam I have noticed something about the food in the USA. Unrefined foods which would be healthier because they have been messed with less, cost more. Refined foods which have gone though countless processes cost way less. For example whole milk costs more then skim. Refined white sugar costs way less then "raw" sugar which costs more then cane juice. I find this frustrating. From what I read about sugar...in the 1800's when they started refining it, refined sugar was so expensive that only the "refined" or wealthy could afford it. Also there is documentation that the wealthy that were eating this refined sugar were getting sick, often. If sugar wasn't the only product with this problem I wouldn't be worried...but almost everything we eat has been terribly refined and this I find alarming...
Anyway, this all comes from me finding reasons to cut sugar out of our diet at the Shepard house. Mind you, we didn't just throw away the sugar/corn syrup containing products that we have but have decided to not buy anymore. If it has to be sweet we will be looking for honey or cane juice.
*stepping off my soap box, for now*
Anyway, this all comes from me finding reasons to cut sugar out of our diet at the Shepard house. Mind you, we didn't just throw away the sugar/corn syrup containing products that we have but have decided to not buy anymore. If it has to be sweet we will be looking for honey or cane juice.
*stepping off my soap box, for now*
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