Friday, May 30, 2008

Giving Sugar the Boot!

Picture of Benjamin and I working in the white "Memorial" Garden this spring. This was before the bleeding heart took over and the peony had to be moved to saved it.
So some of you may know I've gone on a sugar kick...or rather a lack there of. Before I went to AZ I had requested a book from the library; "Sugar Blues" by William Duffy. While in AZ my addiction to sugar became very real. Our snacks for our road trip were not refined sugary snacks and while up in Fredonia I didn't really have access to refined sugars. I started to feel a little like a drugy in detox. When we went shopping for our return drive back to Pheonix, I picked out all sugary things. I knew I had a problem with sugar...but it is out of control.
Since Sam's birth I have had to give up dairy and chocolate. I have probably been overcompensating with other "foods." When I returned home the book I mentioned was waiting for me. Most of you also know that I am not a "reader"...but I have nearly finished this book in a matter of days and requested similar books from the library. Yesterday and today I have been clearing all products that contain sugar or refined white flour, putting them in boxes and moved them to my basement. We are going sugar free.
I expect this will probably be where I vent while we go sugar free. They say it can take as much as a month for cravings and redrawel to subside. I would like to ask my friends and family to help us with your support. That could mean joining us and becoming sugar free yourself, sharing sugar free recipes and such, or simply not bringing any sugary products around. We will not be using artifical sweetners...only honey or maple syrup if something sweet is needed. I feel that the artifical sweeteners (esp Splenda) are probably worse then the real thing.
So stay tuned while I "Detox." I may be grumpy, sad or any number of things while my body heals from sugar. Feel free to email me or leave comments (you don't have to sign up for Google to leave comments, just select anonomous)! I love hearing what others are thinking.


  1. Good for you, Kate! Cheer up, I have something very nice to send you and there's not a drop of sugar in it. Hopefully I'll get it out to you this week.
