Sunday, July 13, 2008

An Evening with Julie Andrews!

The concert was fabulous! The first time she walked on stage, dressed in a beautiful silver ball gown the entire audience sprang to their feet, applauded, cheered and made a lot of noise for quite some time. To this she responded "I haven't done anything yet!" The first half was a tribute to Rogers and Hammerstein. SHE SANG! Several times including "Funny Valentine." Most of the time it was in a very, very limited range but she seemed to get into some of the songs and branch out a bit. I loved every second! Lots of misty eyed moments for me.
The second half was an orchestrated play version of one of the books she has co-authored with her daughter entitled "Simeon's Gift." This was lovely as well.
Afterwards wasn't quite what I had hoped for. We (those with VIP tickets) were directed to a room upstairs. There were beverages and cookies available, a few tables and 1/4 of the room was roped off with photography equipment set up. There was a place for us to stand in line. We were asked to fill out cards if we wanted our picture with Ms. Andrews. After a while she arrived (not through the doors but slipped into the roped section) and said "So we're going to take some pictures together? Good." We were herded into line. When we got to the head of the we were put on a spot to wait for the people with Ms. Andrews to get their picture. Next we were told to "go." I know Ms. Andrews spoke twice but I have no recollection what she said because several people we telling us to look at the camera. As soon at the picture was taken we were told to come this way, collect our personal effects and encouraged to leave. I stood next to my beloved Julie Andrews for maybe 15 secs. I didn't get to speak to her, or even look into her eyes and say "It's really you."
So...! The Concert was lovely...and if you are any where near it's next 3 stops in the USA I would encourage you to find your way there. The "Meet and Greet" post concert party...well...I think you get the picture. We were not given to opportunity to Meet or Greet Ms. Andrews, I felt a bit more like cattle then a "VIP" and it was more of a que instead of a party. When we get the pictures (by email) I will be sure to post them.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you enjoyed the concert. Too bad the "party" was a flop. You look so beautiful in the picture though!
