Friday, January 4, 2008

USA is Backwards...

So in my quest to be healthier and provide optimal milk for Sam I have noticed something about the food in the USA. Unrefined foods which would be healthier because they have been messed with less, cost more. Refined foods which have gone though countless processes cost way less. For example whole milk costs more then skim. Refined white sugar costs way less then "raw" sugar which costs more then cane juice. I find this frustrating. From what I read about the 1800's when they started refining it, refined sugar was so expensive that only the "refined" or wealthy could afford it. Also there is documentation that the wealthy that were eating this refined sugar were getting sick, often. If sugar wasn't the only product with this problem I wouldn't be worried...but almost everything we eat has been terribly refined and this I find alarming...
Anyway, this all comes from me finding reasons to cut sugar out of our diet at the Shepard house. Mind you, we didn't just throw away the sugar/corn syrup containing products that we have but have decided to not buy anymore. If it has to be sweet we will be looking for honey or cane juice.
*stepping off my soap box, for now*


  1. Not much action on the blogs lately. Busy or something? That *is* very weird about unrefined foods. Marc's theory is that they just charge more because they think people will pay it. I think maybe it's because there is less demand so they don't make as much and don't get the bulk/mass production benefits. I read that organic meat is so expensive because it has to be slaughtered in a separate facility from non-organic with special inspections for certification, which ups the cost. I hope someday it won't cost an arm and a leg to eat what's good for you.

  2. Sam and Ben do a good job at keeping me away from the computer. Aww well. Ill try to do better. :)
