Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Since I met Julie

Ok, so it's been a while since I blogged on here. Kirstie has said I should post at least once a week so I'll try to do better. Let's see.

I have come down from the high of meeting Ms. Andrews. Although, I have been quietly contemplating when I could meet her again. Perhaps a book signing. My dream would be to have a proper English tea with her. I've been told that's not a crazy dream...I just wish I knew how to make that come about.

It looks like we will be changing Realtors and builders for our new house. We found another builder who offers a lovely deal on houses very close to where most of our friends live. I'm excited about this but am unsure about how we will get our house sold to make this happen. If you are the praying type, we could use a buyer who loves our house and wants to pay top dollar. Perhaps a new doctor at the hospital who wants to live close and enjoys fixing up beautiful Victorians. A girl can dream. I've considered writing out detailed diagrams and instructions on how to take care of my flower beds. I feel a bit like a parent leaving their children in an orphanage.

I've been to the naturpathic clinic and have had testing that indicates I'm very allergic to chicken eggs. Also, moderate to severe sensitivity to gluten, rye, spelt, and whole wheat. So if you add in that we already know I don't tolerate dairy (cow) and any kind of sugars well....I guess you'll find me at the salad bar. :) It would seem that alternative flours, milks and eggs will also be finding their way into our shopping carts soon! All these sensitivities pretty much mean that we will have to avoid nearly all processed foods. Tralala! This will be fun!

On to other matters...we have paid $1600 between the Camry and the Jeep in a week's time to have them repaired. That hurts the pocket book in a hurry. It's time to trade the Jeep in for a scooter and the Camry for something newer me thinks. Morgan wants a mini-van but I'm not ready for a mom bus. When ever we get a "key" in the mail to win a free car, we go and try. It's sad but unless you try..you'll never know if you were the winner. So far no luck.

Well that's the latest. Perhaps I'll come up with something for interesting later...


  1. So, did you ever actually have any kind of reaction to chicken eggs? I would have thought if you were very allergic to them you would have known because you wouldn't be able to breath or be puking everywhere. I'm curious. I know what you mean about cars, ours just suddenly decided to charge us $500 for continued service in our family. At least it gets 35-38 mpg and Marc's motorcycle gets 67+ mpg so that's good.

  2. Food sensitivity testing was done. Basically by body doesn't like them at all which can make for all kinds of symptoms. Allergies, moodyness, unhappy digestion. I'll see if I can find more information on Food Sensitivity and post that for your blog reading.

  3. I have a favorite food blog you might like: http://glutenfreegoddess.blogspot.com/ . Her new recipes are all egg and dairy free and of course they are all gluten free. I'm so glad you are getting some help for healthy living!
