Wednesday, October 31, 2007


As of yesterday around noon, baby brother was head down and transverse. To be exact he was ROT which means Right side, head down, Transverse. Mostly this means he's in between where we want him but right now still in a less ideal position. If your really interested in what this all means go to and look for the link of the left "Belly Mapping."

We had pictures taken at Target of Benjamin today. So totally adorable. He did all the poses and I think the photographer really enjoyed him. Perhaps he needs to find an agent!

Since its Halloween, I'm determined NOT to have a baby today but after today would be just fine with me. Benjamin is will be dressed up at Dale Jr. tonight for a little trick-o-treating and then Awana at church. He's really excited to put his Jr. costume on. I was eyeballing a queen costume at Target...but they were all gone today. The Chewbacca costume just wasn't going to go with the belly...ahh well.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha! I would have loved to see you as a pregnant Chewbacca! Elijah was a little surgeon, hopefully I'll get pics up soon.
