Friday, November 2, 2007

Jury Duty?

So I got a notice in the mail that I'm in a pool for possible jury duty. Such timing! I can't wait to explain to them our postpartum plans! Somehow I think the on-demand nursing schedule is going to conflict with their jury schedule.
Pretty much the plan is for my to be in bed (or on the couch during the day) nursing baby brother for the first 2 weeks. That's it. Nurse, eat, sleep. After that pretty much just around the house and maybe short walks for the next 2 weeks. All in all it will be about a month before baby and I venture out. I hope the happy new momma feelings prevent cabin fever!

Well Halloween is over, I got my hair cut last night so I guess I'm ready to have a baby! I've heard tell that its going to get into the 20's early next week. Since I don't have a winter coat to cover the belly...Well maybe Morgan has something I can borrow.

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