Friday, September 3, 2010

Fall is here!

I saw the writing on the wall, butterflies going south, a few yellow leaves falling, birds acting funny and the squirrels are busy, really busy. Last night the temperature was in the upper 40's. I'm going to have to start paying attention to this, the passion flower on my arbor probably won't like a whole lot of that. I hate to bring it in until it is absolutely needed. I'll have to cut most of it off and try to get as much as possible to be brought in. It is already in a hanging pot by the arbor, but quite a lot of the vine is well wound around the structure. It's blooming so nice right now...

So I see it's been 18 months since I blogged. Honestly that's because my mother was my biggest blog fan and it was just too hard, and easy to blame on being busy. Perhaps she can still "read" it from her more celestrial surroundings.

Morgan has been in Africa since Thanksgiving time last year and will honestly been home again quite before we know it. This has been rough of me and the boys in different ways. I just get exhausted with all the different hats. I'm not much of a meal maker and have already informed CDR Shepard that I expect a different dinner every night for a month when he gets home. That suits him fine, he loves to cook and misses it. I'm sure he won't really miss the buffet.

Going to have to take the legos from Sam so he can nap. I had hoped he could lay down and play quietly with them, thus allowing him to slip into sleep but now I see he is standing with them to prevent such measures. Oh well. This might not be pretty, hold you ears!


  1. There was an interesting geological occurrance today just before 3:00pm. All of a sudden it got dark and the ground started to tremble and shake. I heard this faint, yet persistant shriek. I couldn't figure out what it was until I read this post. ;)

    Just to let you know, I heard that it is supposed to potentially frost either tonight or tomorrow night. Not sure if this will affect your plant, but thought I would bass it on. Well, actually I'll pass it on because sending the information on a fish or a musical instrument doesn't make too much sense.

  2. Lol Jeff. I felt a tingle in my spine this evening which made me think I'd better at least cover it with a blanket...done. :)I think I might bring it in tomorrow.
