Tuesday, January 15, 2013

City Shepards to move to the English countryside

Does this mean I need to change the name of my blog? Possibly to Shire Shepards. We shall see.

It's been YEARS since I last blogged. Honestly without my mother for a reader I lost the motivation. However, with our move looming in the coming months I'm thinking this would be a better way to keep be apprised of of adventures. Starting with getting there. It's no easy task to get work Visas to the UK. But, it seems we will have them in a day or two and Morgan will be on his way Saturday likely. Our house is on the market and WILL BE SOLD any day now I trust. Someone wants this lovely piece of real estate!
Liam is on the verge of walking. Wasn't he just born? I wish walking meant he would be in less trouble and maybe putting less things in his mouth but I doubt it. So cute though. He also has a mean power  crawl and a ready, excited smile.

That's enough for now. Must check on the young members of the Shepard Clan.

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