Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sugar Free

I'm not a very good blogger but I do try. Today I've started a sugarless, white flourless diet. Why? Because it's no good for you and it calls to me. Who's calling? Probably Candida in my system that makes me crave only sugar and have no interest in "real" food. So, I'm starving them out. Haha!
Since I've craved sugar for as long as I can remember I suspect I am ridden with Candida and/or their friends. I've had a sort of "thrush" rash on my arm for a long time now and even with remedies that clear up Sam's, mine keeps coming back. This makes me concerned that my body is the perfect place for infection right now. Stress, acute grief, adorable small children that I interact with 24/7...I need rest and cleansing! :)
So although my Facebook says I'm going Sugar/white flour free, the truth is I'm trying to follow an anti-Candida diet. What does the entail? Pretty much reversing everything that I eat. I'd challenge you to think about what foods "call" to you and then carefully consider if they truly nourish your body. Things like white flour, sugars (including all corn syrups), powdered milk and so on have had anything that might have been redeeming blasted out of them. Your body has to take it's own resources to digest them, leaving you worse off then before you ate. They should be called anti-foods or something...
So for the month of April (save once maybe around the 21st) I'm going to stay away from Sugar/white flour, learn to eat things I wouldn't normally and try to follow an anti-Candida diet. If you need to do something similar I'd challenge you to come along side me for the month. We can do it, together. :)


  1. I've been trying to cut back too. My strategy is to not keep sweets in the house or I have no restraint whatsoever. Two snacks I've found that satisfy a sweet craving: bananas spread with peanut butter, and dried figs combined with a handful of walnuts. I'd never tried dried figs before and I was surprised how good they are.

    Greif can really take it out of you. I'm not surprised your immune system is low. Last time I was in such a state I got sick about every week. How about a theraputic trip to the south of Greece to lie in the sun and sail about the islands? I'm in!

  2. Very interesting! I have Crohn's disease and don't take very good care of myself as far as my diet is concerned. I have considered going to a nutritionist to help me learn to eat properly. Hope April went well and you continue to get more and more healthy and feel great as a result!!!!
