To prove that I am trying to follow my own advise I give you pictures of the 10 house plants I purchased at K&W
Greenery. Yes, I know they won't do me much good hanging out in my new little greenhouse but hanging pots are hard to come by in sub-zero weather. If you have a favorite air cleaning house plant be sure to let me know! I'm always excited to procure a new plant. So far we have spider plants, snake plant, dracaena, peace lily, English, ivy, golden
pothos, and maybe some others that I can't think of at the moment. We looked at weeping figs and chinese evergreens, but those only came in big 6 or 8 inch pots and I like the little 4 inch ones. Much more cost effective. Ben noticed that the spider plant had a baby plant and insisted I get a little pot for the baby plant. Mother and baby are doing well. :)

Very nice! I just gave away all my plants in preparation for moving who know where... I look forward to settling in and getting more.