Friday, December 14, 2007

The latest ponderings...

Since last you tuned in I (Kate) have pondered a great many things. First, my belly button due to 2 little boy's pregnancies is no longer eligible for a belly piercing. I've always wanted to be "cute" or "cool" and have a little belly ring but it wouldn't be either to pierce the dimple that resides where the ring should go. Aww well. My husband will be glad to know I've given up on the idea as he was never in favor of it. I haven't given up on wanting a tattoo someday...maybe on the small of my back. I just haven't taken the time to research a Celtic symbol that I both like the look of and meaning. Also there would be the researching the actual studio to have the procedure done. If you have a favorite Celtic symbol or tattoo studio...please share. :)

On to another pondering...I was Gluten free for 5 days to see if that would help Sam feel a little better. It didn't, so I grabbed my tasty wheat products again in a hurry. Now we are considering going dairy-free to see if he feels better. Just a little fussy around feedings and quite gassy. Since he doesn't get to choose his foods yet it only seems fair that I do my best to choose things that agree with him. He will have plenty of years to make his own good or bad food choices. It has also been suggested to me that I cut refined sugars out of my diet. Apparently wheat, dairy and sugar are the reason why Americans are so unhealthy. At least wheat and dairy products have some nutrition attached to them where sugar has none. However trying to give up any of these during the holiday season is quite tricky. You have to either resist all tastyness all together or cook/bake with really weird stuff.

Still more to be warm in a Victorian in Wisconsin in the winter. We have wraped many windows in plastic which has helped a lot. There are still some places, mostly in the entry area where you can feel the cold air blowing in. I have heard that Charlotte, NC is a nice place to live (warm). Far enough away from huricanes and tourists (known as terroists in RI) and close enough to the mountains to enjoy those as well. Perhaps we will move towards that direction someday.
That's all of the ponderings that I can think of for now. I'd better post at least pictures on the boys blog to satisfy those who crave them.


  1. I've been traveling so I didn't see your post till today. First, you'd better be careful in the tattoo department, girl. I've heard scary story about places that clean their needles but not their ink. Second, I think the NC idea rocks since we want to go there too. Except more in the Chapel Hill area. But of course I can't put any guarantees on that since if the chance to live in say, Scotland, came up, we'd probably jump. But maybe by the time you get around to it, we will, too!

  2. Scotland, Ireland or England I'm not particular...but my husband seems to think Americans should live in America...boohoo.

    I found there is a tatoo studio that specializes in Celtic tatoos in Newport, RI. Perhpas someday before my skin is to wrinkled I will find the courage.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You don't know me, but I know your husband. He went to my church for awhile when I was a little kid. Anyway, I was just reading how your youngest was being fussy, (I have an 8 week old) and I HIGHLY recommend reading The Happiest Baby on the Block by Dr. Harvey Karp. He has some serious awesome ideas to calm down a "colicky" baby. Heather Rood

  5. we actually watched his video several time just after Sam was born. Tons of helpful information. Dairy-free diet seems to also help.
